Saturday, March 28, 2009


B- Being
U- Under
S- Satan's
Y- yoke

Being under Satan's yoke. I have been battling this for awhile now. I honestly can't come up with anything to remove from my life that would free me from being BUSY. I am sure I could spend less time on the computer but let's face it I need it. Plus in the world of living with a five month old you can get kind of lonely. Not too many talk to you on the phone any More. It's via Internet now. which is fine. I feel connected this way. Strangely enough I am connected to many who I would of never guessed I could stay in contact with. I find it fascinating.

So my business consists of ...
1. taking care of a baby
2. working from the home
3. cooking
4. cleaning (the same things over and over again) Does any one else find this annoying?
5. whenever possible home projects
6. church
7. get together
8. bible studies Attending , and soon leading one with a friend
9. choir
10. working out LOL! It doesn't look like it.
11.e-mailing, facebooking, research, Internet mombojombo....
12. wishing for more time to spend in the presence of God.
13. shopping, blah! I hate shopping. I have found that shopping online is much better. Only shipping can kill you.
14. sleeping. I will admit with my daughter I get plenty of enough sleep. I can't complain. I wish I could get up earlier to give me more time. (I would probably waste it on the computer anyway. :)
15. T.V. even though I only spend about an hour in front of it every night. I consider that pretty good. Sometimes not at all.
16. playing,, I try to do something fun, or it's all not worth it in the end.

See my list is not too bad. God just needed to create two more hours I think. :) What would you do?